When a family receives the diagnosis of ALS, they are faced with an overwhelming array of questions, paperwork, medical advice, financial and logistical challenges, and life-altering changes. Conventional health care does not begin to address the complexity of these needs. This is where MAC Angels Foundation steps in to fill a void in services.
Our services and support include:
Guidance with barrier-free housing renovation options
Grants to help cope with treatment-related and ongoing expenses*
Education on and assistance with completing advance healthcare directives and healthcare proxies
Bereavement support
Consultation with a licensed social worker and/or R.N. to help families navigate the healthcare system
Home visits by members of our professional services team
Informed dialogue on the impact of disease progression
Ongoing practical guidance and emotional support
Aid to pALS and families in creating personal and professional support systems
Monthly caregiver support group
Arrange for transportation for clinical appointments
Advocacy for pALS with healthcare providers
Assistance to pALS and families in securing durable medical equipment such as hospital beds, commode and shower chairs, recliner chairs, etc.
*for pALS in New York City, Westchester/Hudson Valley NY, Fairfield County CT, Long Island NY, and Northern and Central NJ
Maria and Allan
"Thanks for everything you do! We are so grateful!"
"We are very grateful to MAC Angels for facilitating our relocation to decent, safe and healthy housing! God bless MAC Angels who did an excellent job in helping take care of my husband and helping me at my time in need now. Appreciate everyone, thank you again."
"My father was diagnosed with ALS in 2019. At this time my entire family was overwhelmed on how to navigate the physical and emotional toll of this disease. At this time, we got in contact with MAC Angels. There were two major things MAC Angels provided for us - community and assistance. ALS is still relatively unspoken about and we didn't know where to turn.
Speaking with MAC Angels let us know we weren't alone and put us in immediate contact with others who have been through this before. Secondly, my family needed to evolve daily to keep up with my father's needs. At one point, we needed a ramp put in our front door and MAC Angels helped provide that at no cost to us. We were lucky to find MAC Angels when we needed them most. "